Ecotec Products agents
Currently, Ecotec Products works with several agents to support our business. We do not consider them distributors, as we believe agents should be more than just a supplier. We take pride in our close contact with clients.
We believe we can only help clients with their cleaning problems if we listen and, subsequently, guide them in their efforts to change from regular cleaning systems to products that impact the environment far less. Please find more information about our approach on the page ‘About us’.
We are looking to cooperate with agents worldwide. Besides speaking the local language and understanding the culture, we seek people who understand the various industries. Your role as an account manager is sided with further kindling enthusiasm for using environmentally-friendly products in relevant branches.
If you are interested in becoming an Ecotec Product agent, please contact our office:
Ecotec Ecological Products B.V.
Touwslagerij 21
4762 AT Zevenbergen
The Netherlands
Phone: + 31 168 33 55 96
Get in touch
Feel free to contact our office for more information, a sample, or a quotation.